The Story of LTS Flyfishing

rond Syrstad grew up with his twin brother Knut only a short Spey cast from the banks of the salmon river Orkla in Norway.

Already in 1979, when they were 9 years old, they caught their first salmon on a fly and their interest in salmon fishing and fly-casting was born.

The years passed by and thousands of hours were spent fishing in the river and practicing Spey casting.

The two brothers were always together in the river where they studied each other's fishing and casting. With meticulous practice, they improved their skills and became increasingly interested in participating in casting competitions. They did very well in the competitions, and in 1994, the brothers were engaged by the equipment supplier Guideline.

They worked with developing equipment for more than ten years, at the same time as running their own fishing school in Orkla and touring the world teaching and presenting Spey casting and different fishing products.

Before the switch to Loop/LTS in 2004, they had produced two different models for G-Loomis and wanted to see if they could produce and sell their own rods and lines.

Ever since 2004, Trond and Knut Syrstad have produced their own brand, LTS. First in cooperation with Loop, and the last 4 years independently but using the same production site and factory as earlier.

The idea behind most LTS models is to produce rods with a deep bend and at the same time as providing quick action at the end of the cast.

A deep bend where you lift out from the water, with a powerful rodtip making all Spey casts as easy as possible to perform is, and has always been, the goal when developing the rods.

In addition, the wish to get the maximum out of the rods in terms of casting lengths (based on the experience from casting competitions) combined with the rods being well suited for practical fishing in the rivers, has always been important.

Knut Syrstad died from cancer before the salmon-fishing season in 2014, but his ideas live on through his twin brother Trond's continued LTS work around the world.